The year 2018 has been quite a ride. Like 2016 and 2017, I have to go back and forth between Washington DC and Bangkok. In addition, I got to explore some territories I’d never been to. Here is a quick summary:

- In Bangkok from December 2017 to the end of January
- Work in Washington DC in February
- A trip to Russia in April
- Back in Washington DC until the end of June
- A short visit to New York City
- A long break in Bangkok from early July to mid-September
- Back to Washington DC again until mid-December
- Another
stop in Tokyo - To complete to cycle, now I’m in back in Bangkok
No wonder that by the end of the year, it feels exhausting. The plus side was that it triggered some thoughts of possibilities.
It was a long time ago since I spent some time in a country, like Russia, I didn’t know their language. That made me realise how I missed an exploration that somehow Bangkok or Washington DC could not fulfil.
Also, I got to focus on Animated Doodle. That was a personal accomplishment that I had been struggling since I left Sydney. It was started during the mid-year break in Bangkok. The pace slowed down when I was back to work in Washington DC until it was done months later. That gave me some confidence that a personal project could be managed and achieved.

On the other hand, there were also some downfalls during the year. Some accumulated issues have emerged and caused me a fair amount of stresses.
I don’t mind this lifestyle—living in the two capitals back and forth. But that might not be sustainable in the long term and security has never been certain. There was a prospect for a longer contract that I could stay put in DC for a year or two without having to leave the US every three months. But that didn’t happen. Not to mention personal finance mismanagement.
Those possibilities and mishaps during the year have given me a lot to think about goals, directions, and actions. At the moment it feels like sailing in a haze. However, it is a kick in the butt for me to move forward. Hard works ahead and I need to get on it.
Workwise here are some notable ones:

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