Roaming Cavendish Lane: click for previous image

Roaming Cavendish Lane

Info about ‘Roaming Cavendish Lane’

A journey from end to end on Cavendish Lane, a back street stretching from Stanmore to Enmore, New South Wales, Australia. This is a celebration of the diversed community where I live. I capture the lines, pattern and texture that exist along the street with Nikon D70 camera and arrange the photographs as a simple slide show. The music, Travelling, by CamTarn Thanks Andy from Glasgow for wonderful Electronica.

This is my first YouTube entry.

You can view better quality video of Roaming Canvendish Lane directly here. It is 9.41 minute long, so be please patient downloading it. There will be a shortcut version coming soon. Please let me know what you think of it.

Comments on ‘Roaming Cavendish Lane’

I’ve linked to this so with luck you’ll see a little more traffic.

Stilgherrian 11 November 2006 9:33 AM

Hi Rob,

Unlike most of the images in the series, this one is quite straight from the camera, no croppiing or rotating the frame. Because the previous frame in the slide show is also composed well enough, I didn’t have problem put the two frame together either. Thanks for the comment. Cheers!

'Pong 25 October 2006 10:05 AM

The edge of the building is perfectly centred and vertical. Wonder how much you had to crop. Makes me feel like I am peering ‘round the corner waiting for something.

ROB 25 October 2006 7:32 AM

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