COFA Annual 09


It is almost done with my study at College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales. The major project has been presented and is being assessed. The works of the graduating students will be exhibited through COFA Annual 09 in different platforms:

  • Website — is not online yet but you can see what they did last year.
  • Exhibition — runs on 23-29 November and will include all the graduating students who registered for it.
  • DVD — will be sent to the industry professional to pimp up the students and the institute.
  • Screening  — is the big night for media and time based art student to have the works on a big screen at Chauvel Cinema on 17 November from 6pm.

I am excited to see my film in a real cinema although we do not know whether we get selected for the show. Nevertheless, I am quite confident will be there. And I have signed as a volunteer to do something with the event. Will post later.

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